Yu-Hung Ting, Assistant Professor

Education: Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University
Research interests:CAD/CAM, Mold Design/ Manufacturing, Manufacturing Information Technology, Smart Manufacturing
Contact information:Room518A/ 03-2654353 / august@cycu.edu.tw
Lab: Digital Manufacturing Information Integration Lab / RoomB08-2-2/ 03-2654373
Publication: (view)
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, CYCU (2017/02-2021/07)
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, R&D Center for Smart Manufacturing, CYCU (2018/03-2021/07)
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, R&D Center for Mold and Molding Technology, CYCU (2016/11-2018/03)